TMCC Student services & Diversity Strategic Master Plan 2022-2027
2 Student Services &Diversity Strategic Master Plan truckee meadows community College Mission Create a future you will love with accessible, innovative educational opportunities at TMCC. Together we can make it happen. Truckee meadows community College vision TMCC is a leader in innovative education, meeting student and community needs. Student services & Diversity mission The Student Services and Diversity Division advances the TMCC mission and goals by working together to intentionally create an inclusive, sustainable, campus environment where students can thrive and succeed.
3 Student Services &Diversity Strategic Master Plan TMCC Goal Access: increase TMCC’s enrollment to keep pace with our community’s growth and diversity. SSD Goal 1 Create welcoming, inclusive environments and student-centered processes to facilitate student access and success. TMCC Objective SSDObjective Key Progress Indicators Baseline *indicator is on the TMCC SMP Key Progress Indicators Target (achievedby July 1, 2027) Data Source Serve as an open access institution. 1.1 Implement targeted efforts to increase enrollment for specific populations: • Non-traditional students (25+) • Underrepresented student populations • High school students *Enrollment reflects the Hispanic distribution of Washoe County. TMCC Latinx students 41% v. Washoe County 25% Non-traditional students (25+) TMCC ..........................................................33.5%(5,648) Underrepresented population TMCC ........................................................................46.2% *Number of Jump Start students Fall 2020 .....................................................................1,668 Number of new students Baseline: ................................ 1,700 Head Count (Fall 18) TMCC Latinex student enrollment:...............>/=25% Students age 25+:............................................ >/=34% Underrepresented population TMCC................................................................. >/=46% Number of Jump Start students....................>/=1668 Number of new students Target: ..............................................>1,700 Head Count Percentage increase in enrolled students from specific populations IR demographic/ student outcomes report: Demo-All IR demographic/ student outcomes report: Demo-WCSD 1.2 Promote enrollment of diverse student groups through: • VUB Program • Athletics • International Program • Educational Partnership Programs (EPP) VUB completers who continued on to postsecondary education enrolled at TMCC during the past grant cycle ...................................................................100%(81) Number of students who participated in soccer teams ................................................................................39 Headcount of International Students enrolled at TMCC 37 (Fall 2019 Enrollment Management Plan) VUB completers who go on to postsecondary educationwill enroll at TMCC during the next grant cycle (2023-2030)...................................................... 90% Number of students who participated in soccer teams ........................................................40 (yearly goal) Increase of enrolled International Students over baseline year enrollment (37 students) by 2027...10% VUB Director Athletics Director Executive Director Advising and Access Services Educational Partnership Programs Coordinator
4 Student Services &Diversity Strategic Master Plan TMCC Objective SSDObjective Key Progress Indicators Baseline *indicator is on the TMCC SMP Key Progress Indicators Target (achievedby July 1, 2027) Data Source Cultivate a welcoming, safe, inclusive environment 1.3 Provide training to the campus community to nurture a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment: • Creating Accessible Content • Safe Zone • Mental Health First Aid • DEI Workshops * TMCC will maintain a safe, low-crime, environment *Number of faculty and staff participating in: Creating Accessible Content............................................8 Safe Zone..........................................................................25 MHFA..................................................................................0 DEI workshops...............................................................118 *Clery report data for violent crimes baseline: 0 *Graduate Outcome Survey items: *“TMCC is equally supportive of all racial/ethnic groups”.........................................................................93% *“TMCC is equally supportive of men and women”. ......................................................................96% TMCC provides a safe campus environment..........98% *Number of faculty and staff completing training will increase each year. Creating Accessible Content Safe Zone MHFA DEI workshops *Clery report data for violent crimes will be continue to be =/< the average of our aspirational peers (Everett, CUNY Lehman, Santiago Canyon) *Graduate Outcome Survey items: *“TMCC is equally supportive of all racial/ethnic groups”.............................................................>/=93% *“TMCC is equally supportive of men and women”. .........................................................>/=96% TMCC provides a safe campus environment..>/=98% Sign-in sheets Clery Reports Graduate Outcome Survey 1.4 Promote faculty participation in SSD programs Number of faculty participating in SSD Programs FacultyMentors (Men of Color, Diversity, Foster Youth, etc.)....................................................................................20 Number of faculty participating in SSD Programs FacultyMentors (Men of Color, Diversity, Foster Youth, etc.)....................................................................................20 EISO ProgramDirector
5 Student Services &Diversity Strategic Master Plan TMCC Goal Success: increase student success metrics to those of our aspirational peers. Workforce: ... build a competitive, highly-skilledworkforce. SSD Goal 2 Nurture students in developing essential skills for attaining educational and career goals. TMCC Objective SSDObjective Key Progress Indicators Baseline *indicator is on the TMCC SMP Key Progress Indicators Target (achievedby July 1, 2027) Data Source Improve successful completion of student’s educational goals. 2.1 SSD Programs provide innovative and effective services to improve Student Outcomes. *Advising: total graduated, transferred or still enrolled. Advised vs. not advised. ...............................71%v 59% Total Graduated, Transferred or Still Enrolled for students participating in engagement activities DRC................................................................................62% SGA ...............................................................................82% Athletics....................................................................... 60% Counseling. ................................................................. 66% VRC............................................................................... 60% Fall to Fall Persistence FAFSA............................................................................47% Success First.................................................................65% *Counseling Fall to Fall persistence. Received counseling vs. no counseling.......................57%v 37% Graduate Outcomes Survey: “TMCC has helpedmemeet the goals I expected to achieve.”. ......................................................................97% *Maintain 10% increase in advised vs. non-advised by 2027 Total Graduated, Transferred or Still Enrolled for students participating in engagement activities are greater than for non-participating students DRC SGA Athletics Counseling VRC Fall to Fall Persistence Maintain: FAFSA............................................................................47% Success First.................................................................65% *Counseling.................................................................57% Graduate Outcomes Survey: “TMCC has helpedmemeet the goals I expected to achieve.”. .....................................................97%maintain IR Demo data for SSD programs serving general population students. IR report 32_new dgrs taking 30.sps IR demographic/ student outcomes report: Demo-All Graduate Outcome Survey
6 Student Services &Diversity Strategic Master Plan TMCC Objective SSDObjective Key Progress Indicators Baseline *indicator is on the TMCC SMP Key Progress Indicators Target (achievedby July 1, 2027) Data Source Provide student support services that correlate with student success. 2.2 The SSD Division provides student engagement activities that build interpersonal, intrapersonal and practical skills. Number of engagement opportunities available to students (# for 19/20): Counseling Outreach......................................................61 SGA Events/Activities.....................................................71 Graduate Outcome Survey questions: “While attending TMCCwere you satisfiedwith the campus social & cultural activities?” Yes. ................................................................................54% No. ...................................................................................3% Unable to Evaluate......................................................43% “Has your experience at TMCC contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas: Working effectivelywith others...............................96% Understanding yourself.............................................96% Understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds................................................................94% Developing a personal code of values and ethics..94% Contributing to thewelfare of your community. ..92% Year to year increase for student participation in engagement activities across the division. Counseling SGA Graduate Outcome Survey questions: “While attending TMCCwere you satisfiedwith the campus social & cultural activities?” Yes. ...................................................... >/=previous year Unable to Evaluate............................</=previous year “Has your experience at TMCC contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas: Working effectivelywith others....................>/=96% Understanding yourself..................................>/=96% Understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds.....................................................>/=94% Developing a personal code of values and ethics..................................................................>/=94% Contributing to thewelfare of your community....................................................... >/=92% Sign in sheets, canvas sign-in #s Workshop evaluations, pre/post tests Graduate Outcome Survey
7 Student Services &Diversity Strategic Master Plan TMCC Objective SSDObjective Key Progress Indicators Baseline *indicator is on the TMCC SMP Key Progress Indicators Target (achievedby July 1, 2027) Data Source Develop innovative programs that respond to the dynamic needs of industry and the community. 2.3 SSD provides wrap around supports, financial help, coaching/mentoring, collaboration with community agencies and connections to employers for un- and under-employed Nevadans: • Jacobs Presidential Scholars • EPP Number of ethnically diverse students that graduate with a skill certificate, certificate of achievement or degree annually Degree or Certificate of Achievement (19/20).........502 Certificates and Skills Certificates (19/20). ...............322 *Workforce awards conferred (CT, SKS, AAS, BAS) (19/20)......................................................................... 1303 Number of ethnically diverse students that graduate with a skill certificate, certificate of achievement or degree annually Degree or Certificate of Achievement. .........>/=502 Certificates and Skills Certificates..................>/=322 *Workforce awards conferred (CT, SKS, AAS, BAS)...............................................................1477 by 2027 IR demographic/ student outcomes report: Minorities Fact Sheet 2.4 SSD programs assist students in identifying their career goals, the academic programs that will help them achieve their career goals, as well as providing themwith job preparation training (resume writing, interviewing skills, development of soft-skills for employment success) “Has your experience at TMCC contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas: Developing clearer career goals................................96% Gaining information about career opportunities..94% Number of engagement opportunities: Career Hubworkshops (19/20)..................................101 “Has your experience at TMCC contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas: Developing clearer career goals...................>/=96% Gaining information about career opportunities.................................................>/= 94% Number of engagement opportunities: Career Hubworkshops........................> than prior year Graduate Outcome Survey Career Hub Manager
8 Student Services &Diversity Strategic Master Plan TMCC Goal Close achievement gaps among underserved populations. SSD Goal 3 Improve student engagement throughout the learning environment. TMCC Objective SSDObjective Key Progress Indicators Baseline *indicator is on the TMCC SMP Key Progress Indicators Target (achievedby July 1, 2027) Data Source Close the achievement gap among underserved populations. 3.1 SSD provides programming for under-served populations (specifically, first generation students and men): • Men of Color Mentoring Program • Summer Bridge • Success First • TRIO SSS • TRIO VUB *Graduation rates by gender: .Males 25%vs. cohort 28%(-3%) (based on Fall 2014) *Fall to Fall persistence, first time, first generation, full time degree seekers. ...............................................................57%v 60%(-3%) Minority student outcomes (graduated, transferred, still attending).............................61%vs. 61%all others Summer Bridge/Success First Student Outcomes (graduated, transferred, still attending) .......................................................66%vs. all others 53% TRIO SSS (new) Participants will graduatewithin 4 years.............. 30% Participants will graduate and transfer to a 4 year institution.....................................................................18% Participants will be in good academic standing (C or better).......................................................................... 80% TRIO VUB Participants servedwill complete their VUB programor remain enrolled in the program...............................70% Participants who complete their prescribed VUB educational program in the project year will enroll in a programof postsecondary education by the end of the next project year. ........................................................65% Participants who completed the VUB educational programat any time andwho enrolled in a program of postsecondary education in the project year will complete a programof postsecondary education within six project years. . ...........................................35% *Graduation rates by gender: Males.......................................................... >/= to cohort *Fall to Fall persistence, first time, first generation, full time degree seekers. .............................................................................>/=57% Minority student outcomes (graduated, transferred, still attending)............................................maintain 61% Summer Bridge/Success First Student Outcomes (graduated, transferred, still attending) .............................................................................>/=66% TRIO SSS (new) Participants will graduatewithin 4 years.............. 30% Participants will graduate and transfer to a 4 year institution.....................................................................18% Participants will be in good academic standing (C or better).......................................................................... 80% TRIO VUB Participants servedwill complete their VUB programor remain enrolled in the program...............................70% Participants who complete their prescribed VUB educational program in the project year will enroll in a programof postsecondary education by the end of the next project year. ........................................................65% Participants who completed the VUB educational programat any time andwho enrolled in a program of postsecondary education in the project year will complete a programof postsecondary education within six project years. . ...........................................35% SSD Data dashboard IR demographic/ student outcomes report: Summer Bridge TRIO SSS Director TRIO VUB Director
9 Student Services &Diversity Strategic Master Plan TMCC Goal Ensure ongoing stewardship of resources. SSD Goal 4 Ensure units are student-centered, sustainable, collaborative and operatingwithmaximumefficiency. TMCC Objective SSDObjective Key Progress Indicators Baseline *indicator is on the TMCC SMP Key Progress Indicators Target (achievedby July 1, 2027) Data Source Promote environmental sustainability. 4.1 SSD departments and programs will support campus-wide sustainability efforts. *Maintain Nature Resilience Commitment Status *Campus-wide sustainability initiatives (qualitative) Increase the number of e-forms available for students and faculty. ......................................................................45 *Maintain Nature Resilience Commitment Status *Campus-wide sustainability initiatives (qualitative) Increase the number of e-forms available for students and faculty. ......................................................................50 EISO ProgramDirector A&R Executive Director 4.2 SSD Departments and programs collaborate across the division to facilitate a quality experience for students while eliminating a duplication of services. Evidence of collaborations involving more than one department or eliminate duplication: • Athletics Compliance Teamand Student Support Teams • Campus wide committees (e.g.: Student Resources, Wellness, ADA) • Yearly initiatives (e.g.: videos for processes) Narrative/qualitative data Executive Directors 4.3 All SSD Units engage each year in comprehensive assessment processes linking assessment to program improvement and utilizing student input/ feedback. SSD Annual Report includes • Evidence of SSD departmental/programannual assessments • Use of assessment data to guide program improvement Graduate Outcome Survey “TMCCwelcomes and uses feedback fromstudents to improve the college”..................................................91% Narrative in report Graduate Outcome Survey “TMCCwelcomes and uses feedback fromstudents to improve the college”.................................maintain 91% SSD Annual Report
10 Student Services &Diversity Strategic Master Plan Assessment Cycle Timeline Activity July IR Data updated/submitted by departments/programs October IR Data returned to departments/programs December Department Assessment Reports completed February SSD Annual Assessment Report completed and published Feedback to SSD departments/programs for planning March Submit SSD RAP requests based on Assessment Report Department Plans updated for next academic year SSD strategies updated for next academic year
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