TMCC is celebrating the Class of 2024 with a Commencement Ceremony today, Friday, May 10, at 4:30 p.m. Watch the live stream and learn more at


ABE Handbook Section 3: Funding

The program can offer all services at no cost to students through federal and state grants awarded to us by the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) Office of Career Readiness, Adult Learning & Education Options. In order to receive continued funding, the program must meet negotiated performance indicators. While there are no monetary expenses for students, we ask that students help us fulfill our performance benchmarks through regular attendance and progress testing. The more students participate in class and study at home, the quicker students can reach their goal(s). If their plan includes getting a job, keeping a job, passing a high school equivalency (HSE) exam, or transitioning to college or training, we get closer to meeting a program outcome when students meet this goal. The hours students accumulate in and out of class will count towards their eligibility to test at the end of the session. Improving test scores is another way students can help us meet a program outcome.

Performance Indicators

These performance indicators are reported to our grant sponsors as evidence that we are fulfilling the grant's requirements. We also provide demographic information such as age, education level, ethnicity, employment status, gender, etc. While a social security number (SSN) is not required to enroll in this program, collecting the SSN helps us verify employment-related performance indicators through a data match conducted by NDE in a federal registrar. For those who do not provide us with an SSN, program staff will call students once they have left the program to verify one of our performance indicators' achievement.

  • the percentage of students who made a measurable skill gain (MSG) by:
    • advancing a level on their pre- to post-test, or
    • earned their HSE certificate before June 30
  • the percentage of students who are employed six months after completing or leaving the program (90+ days without hours)
    • median earnings are also collected
  • the percentage of students who are employed twelve months after completing or leaving the program (90+ days without hours)
  • the percentage of students who earn an HSE certificate and:
    • obtain or retain employment, or
    • are in an educational training program leading to a recognized post-secondary credential within one year after completing or leaving the program (90+ days without hours)
  • the percentage of students who earn a recognized post-secondary credential while enrolled in the program or within one year after completing or leaving the program (90+ days without hours)

Any change of name, address, email, or telephone number should be reported to the instructors or the office as soon as the change takes effect. The program needs current information to conduct follow-up calls or contact them in case of an emergency or provide class updates.