Communication Rubric

Spoken Communication:

Learning Outcome Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
1) Background Preparation: Develop a central message and support it with credible evidence. Central message is clearly stated, insightful, and supported with a robust amount of credible evidence. Central message is clearly stated and supported with a sufficient amount of credible evidence. Central message is visible but not entirely clear and/or the presented evidence is insufficient. Central message is not clearly stated and/or evidence is entirely insufficient or lacking in credibility.
2) Preparation for Performance: Organize content for a particular audience, occasion or purpose. Content organization effectively demonstrates nuanced attention to audience, occasion, and purpose. Content organization is clearly apparent and appropriate to the audience, occasion, and purpose. Content organization lacks focus or is partially developed. Attention to audience, occasion, and/or purpose is lacking or vague in one or more areas. Content is not organized and does not consider audience, occasion, and/ or purpose.
3) Delivery: Demonstrate performance skills with a focus on delivering content for a variety of audiences and occasions, and/or using technology as appropriate. Performance skills demonstrate a clear and comprehensive delivery that carefully considers the audience and occasion, and effectively utilizes appropriate technology and/or materials. Performance skills demonstrate an acceptable delivery that focuses appropriately on the audience and occasion, and utilizes technology and/or materials proficiently. Performance skills demonstrate an uneven delivery that is lacking in one or more of the following: appropriate organization for an audience or occasion, and the effective use of technology and/or materials. Performance skills failed to provide an effective delivery. Organization for an audience or occasion is weak or missing. There is no effective use of technology or materials in the performance.
4) Monitor and Adjust: Identify and incorporate audience feedback. Incorporation of audience feedback is thorough, complete, and displays a nuanced understanding of feedback in real-time. Incorporation of audience feedback is present and suggests an appropriate understanding of the feedback received. Audience feedback is identified but incorporation is incomplete and/or inappropriately applied. There is no attempt to incorporate audience feedback or to identify issues with the communication between speaker and audience.
5) Collaboration: Apply leadership, interpersonal, and/or collaborative strategies that improve communication. The group member successfully contributes confident and respectful leadership, interpersonal interactions, and collaborative strategies when working with others. The group member participates with intentional effort and a clear understanding of leadership, interpersonal communications, and a specific role within the group. Collaboration strategies are followed effectively, but not often initiated. The group member demonstrates an effort in serving as an active group member, but lacks initiative or skill in leadership, interpersonal interactions, and/or collaborative strategies to make the group function effectively. The group member demonstrates a minimal or absent understanding of leadership, interpersonal interactions, and/or collaborative strategies. There is a clear lack of effort.