Radiologic Technology: Intrinsic Medical Imagery

June 20, 2024
TMCC’s new BAS in Radiologic Technology offers flexible online courses for imaging professionals to advance their careers. Apply by July 31 for the Fall 2024 semester.

June Good News

June 13, 2024
In this edition, TMCC partners with The Discovery Museum for mental health awareness, BE-Club's donation drive aids local shelters, and Theatre students win four regional awards.

ArtFest and Earth Day Inspire a Wishful Community

June 3, 2024
ArtFest and Earth Day 2024 wove visionary charm with sustainable initiatives to exude our immense appreciation for extraordinary student prowess and a prosperous global mindset.

Recognizing Achievement with Employee Awards

May 21, 2024
The 2024 Employee Awards and Recognition Ceremony celebrates the faculty and staff who devote their careers to champion student success in all its diverse strides.

Commencement Feature: Jordi Cruz Trujillo

May 16, 2024
Jordi Cruz Trujillo ignited his spark for graphic design as a teenager, fueling his illustrative flair by producing campaigns of substance in a world brimming with social noise.

Commencement Feature: Alixe Bunyard

May 10, 2024
Alixe Bunyard gleaned a new lease on higher education after serving her country dutifully, forging a community of friends who support and cheer for her success even after graduation.

Commencement Feature: Jarret Orcutt

May 6, 2024
Orcutt, once imprisoned for drug trafficking, now thrives at TMCC, aiding others in finding purpose through education, his actions inspiring community hope.

Commencement 2024 By the Numbers

May 6, 2024
Commencement 2024 will be a historic milestone in the lives of so many families and friends of our graduating students! Here's a rundown of the exceptional Class of 2024 achievements.

Field Trip Creates Real-World Opportunities for Hospitality Students

April 30, 2024
Hospitality students visited Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe, with their instructor, learning industry insights, networking, and experiencing tasteful hotel amenities firsthand.

SkillsUSA Competition Dominated by TMCC Students

April 26, 2024
Culinary Arts and Technical Sciences students showcased their diligence at Nevada's SkillsUSA competition, demonstrating their craft's rewards while fueling passion for their chosen career paths.

April Good News: Part 2

April 25, 2024
April continues to be an exciting month! IT Nexus aids students in a revamped office, Drawing 101 integrates art with Reno Chamber Orchestra, and TMCC/Panasonic unveils Advanced Manufacturing Training Center.

Commencement Feature: Monika Koshinski

April 19, 2024
Monika Koshinski reclaimed her life after years of substance abuse, committing to recovery and finding purpose in higher education with support from family, TMCC faculty, and classmates.

April Good News: Part 1

April 12, 2024
TMCC is livelier than ever! Veterans honored, Marketing wins Paragon awards, and a poignant travel diary about a father-daughter journey in Ethiopia earns gold.

Surgical Technologists: The Surgeon's Right Hand

April 10, 2024
The Surgical Technology Program is a winning partnership with the College of Southern Nevada, inviting you to choose a career path that will challenge you and gratify the lives you touch through invaluable actions.

Good Kids: Theatre Tackling Heavy Subjects

April 8, 2024
The TMCC Theatre production of Good Kids presents a timely subject matter and haunting inspiration.

Annual Student Art Show: Dreams Come to Life

April 3, 2024
The Annual Student Art Show is a time to appreciate the enchanting abilities of our community with diverse approaches to creating their artwork.

Society of Women Engineers: Finding Your Voice

March 27, 2024
The Society of Women Engineers club supports students through shared professional insights and encourages them to pursue careers in an industry lacking female representation, with ideas and ambitions to change that.

FLAMES Brings Financial Literacy Back to TMCC

March 25, 2024
Financial Literacy and Money Education by Students (FLAMES) is a phenomenal resource changing our community's lives through practical guidance on all the economic threads college tugs on before, after, and during your attendance.

March Good News

March 15, 2024
Whether giving a captivating performance on stage or conducting a thorough research investigation into Northern Nevada's water resources, a current student and TMCC alumnus share a talent for following through on their visions.

Online Bachelor's Degrees Lead to Job Opportunities

February 26, 2024
TMCC's online RN to BSN, CTE Leadership, and Emergency Management degrees prepare students for thriving careers in high-demand fields with quality education and immediate job prospects post-graduation.