See Also: Contract Forms
Contracts for any new construction, repair, improvement, or reconstruction on land, appurtenances and buildings of Truckee Meadows Community College which are intended for long-term, continued use or which extend the useful life of a capital asset, are considered contracts for capital construction projects. Professional services contracts needed for capital construction projects are processed using capital projects contract procedures, as well.
Approvals and Signatures
In addition to following the usual capital construction purchasing procedures, the following approvals and signatures are needed. For multi-year contracts, the cut off amounts would apply to the total amount over the full duration of the contract.
- Contracts with total purchases $1 to $2,000 must be signed by the TMCC director of facilities or his/her designee.
- Contracts with total purchases $2,001 to $100,000 must be signed by TMCC Facilities Director and must be signed by the Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services.
- Contracts with a purchase price over $100,000 are typically handled by BCN Purchasing and require a bidding process. Business Center North (BCN) Purchasing has signature authority for TMCC to sign these contracts. Unless specifically requested by BCN Purchasing, the president's signature is not required on these contracts. However, the department should forward a copy of the completed contract to the Budget and Planning Office for TMCC's contract files.