Fall 2021 Professional Development Days


Aug. 20, 2021, All Day


Dandini Campus


Welcome to the 2021–2022 academic year! We have a number of exciting workshops as part of Professional Development Days. Our Fall Kickoff speech will be held on August 12 at 9 a.m.

You will not want to miss the opportunity to be a part of TMCC's history-making Human 50 photo in celebration of 50 years of serving students. After the speech, everyone will head outside to create the digits "50" by standing within chalk outlines. A drone will snap our photo.

Numerous Canvas classes, classes on diversity and mental health, and workshops to refresh your thinking and inspire you in the classroom are planned for Aug. 12–20.

Visit the Professional Development website to view and register for the over 40 workshops and activities being offered for this year's Professional Development Days.