May 6
Adult Basic Education (ABE) and Counseling Festival
10 a.m.
- 12 p.m.
Meadowood Courtyard,
Meadowood Center
The ABE and Counseling Festival will showcase TMCC resources and other student opportunities
May 6
¡TMCC Vamos Español Event!
- 1 p.m.
Student Center (at a Cafe Verde table),
Dandini Campus, Meadowood Center and William N. Pennington Health Science Center
Join our Spanish-speaking-bring-your-own-lunch conversation for all levels!
May 6
Let's Talk: Drop-in Counseling Consultations
- 3 p.m.
RDMT 115,
Dandini Campus
Let’s Talk is a first-come, first-served drop-in service for TMCC students seeking brief, 15-20 minute consultations with a TMCC counselor.
May 6
Library After Dark: Spring Finals Review Session
- 9 p.m.
Learning Commons,
Dandini Campus
Join us for Library After Dark with late-night study, free snacks, and more!
May 7
Dental Assisting Program Information Night
- 6:30 p.m.
RDMT 403,
Dandini Campus
This event will provide program information to prospective students regarding the TMCC Dental Assisting program.
May 7
Library After Dark: Spring Finals Review Session
- 9 p.m.
Learning Commons,
Dandini Campus
Join us for Library After Dark with late-night study, free snacks, and more!
May 8
Library After Dark: Spring Finals Review Session
- 9 p.m.
Learning Commons,
Dandini Campus
Join us for Library After Dark with late-night study, free snacks, and more!
May 12
Let's Talk: Drop-in Counseling Consultations
10 a.m.
- 12 p.m.
RDMT 115,
Dandini Campus
Let’s Talk is a first-come, first-served drop-in service for TMCC students seeking brief, 15-20 minute consultations with a TMCC counselor.
May 13
Let's Talk: Drop-in Counseling Consultations
- 3 p.m.
RDMT 115,
Dandini Campus
Let’s Talk is a first-come, first-served drop-in service for TMCC students seeking brief, 15-20 minute consultations with a TMCC counselor.
May 15
Maxine S. Jacobs Nursing Program Pinning
- 2 p.m.
Student Center,
Dandini Campus
Spring Pinning Ceremony for the Maxine S. Jacobs Nursing Program
May 16
Classified Council Open Meeting
- 2 p.m.
RDMT 255 and/or Online,
Dandini Campus
Classified open meeting for all to meet in person or in zoom.
May 17
Fire Academy Graduation
- 11 a.m.
HSC 100,
William N. Pennington Health Science Center
Public Safety Programs Fire Academy Graduation
May 20
TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) Program Graduate Recognition Reception
- 7:30 p.m.
RDMT 255/256,
Dandini Campus
The TRIO Graduate Recognition Reception honors the achievements of graduating SSS students.
Sep 17
Radiologic Technology AAS Program Information Night
- 7 p.m.
Building B, Room 167,
William N. Pennington Health Science Center
Get your questions answered at the Radiologic Technology Information Night.