Calendar of Events

Sep 1

Recognition & Activities Committee

2 - 3 a.m.
RDMT 255, Dandini Campus
Organizing social activities for faculty and staff for the purpose of raising morale, and creating circumstances whereby faculty and staff can mix and interact together.

Sep 3

Learning Commons Committee

3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
LIB 102, Dandini Campus
Formerly the Library Committee.

Sep 4

Part-Time Faculty Committee

10 - 11:30 a.m.
RDMT 333, Dandini Campus
Recommends policies on part–time faculty issues including, but not limited to, compensation, benefits, support services, training and integration with the existing full-time academic family.

Sep 4

WebCollege Faculty Advisory Committee

11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
SIER 117, Dandini Campus
The mission of the TMCC WebCollege Faculty Advisory Committee is to improve student success through high quality online courses and facilitate sound pedagogical practices through clear and ongoing professional development.

Sep 4

Faculty Senate Meeting

12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
The meeting location or conference link will be confirmed closer to the meeting date.

Sep 8

Faculty of Color Coalition Meeting

2 - 3:30 p.m.
The Faculty of Color coalition (FOC) is a subcommittee of the TMCC Diversity Committee. Membership of FOC is voluntary and strives to include campus-wide representation from academic and administrative faculty who self-identify as faculty of color or faculty of color allies.

Sep 17

Classified Council Open Meeting

1 - 2 p.m.
Classified Council Monthly Open Meeting. All are welcome to attend.

Sep 18

Administrative Faculty Committee

10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
In collaboration with the At-Large Faculty Senators, represents administrative faculty on issues including, but not limited to, institutional policies and goals, hiring practices, training, compensation, benefits, support services, representation, retention, and evaluations.

Sep 25

Academic Standards & Assessment

9 - 11 a.m.
Formerly the Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment (SLOA) Committee.

Sep 25

Professional Standards Committee

10 - 11:30 a.m.
Recommend the criteria included in instruction and course evaluations, the processes by which they are administered and the uses of those evaluations for all full-time and part-time faculty.

Sep 25

Salary, Benefits and Budget Committee

12 - 2 p.m.
Develops and recommends compensation proposals to promote faculty expertise in meeting the mission of the College in an efficient and productive manner.

Sep 28

TMCC Diversity Committee Meeting

3 - 4 p.m.
All are welcome to attend. 

Sep 30

Learning Commons Committee

3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Formerly the Library Committee.