Student Laptop Loan Program

Person typing on keyboard.

Need a Laptop? In these challenging times, TMCC is committed to ensuring students have the necessary tools for success. We are offering a no-cost Loaner Laptop Program to assist students without computer access.

Program Details

  • Eligible students can borrow a Lenovo laptop with a 14” display, camera, and microphone.
  • Laptops come pre-loaded with a standard image that includes the Microsoft Office suite and Adobe Acrobat.
  • Laptops are loaned on a semester-long basis.
  • Applicants must be enrolled at TMCC for the current term.
  • Note: Laptops are available only while supplies last.

How To Participate

  1. Complete the Student Laptop Loan Program Application.
  2. An IT Customer Service employee will contact you when your laptop is ready. You will then go to IT NEXUS (RDMT 204) to complete your application and pick up the laptop.