Mayra, one of the appreciative TMCC scholarship recipients, visits with TMCC Foundation Board Member Gigi Chisel.
Students receiving scholarships from the Truckee Meadows Community College Foundation celebrated their accomplishments and met generous donors at the 6th Annual Legacy Scholarship Reception on Friday, October 2.
“The reception provides a rare and special opportunity to bring TMCC students together with the caring donors who believe in our students and choose to fund a portion of these students’ educational endeavors,” said Kathy Koehler, Donor Stewardship Coordinator in the TMCC Foundation. “It is so heart-warming to see students meet the generous donors who are helping them further their academic careers.”
More than 540 students, families, benefactors and staff attended the elegant award presentation. The V. James Eardley Student Center was decorated with sheets of sparkly fabric and long-stemmed gladiolas. Each recipient had a turn to walk across stage and accept his or her award. Upstairs, buffet tables of shish kebabs and other hors d’oeuvres were offered by Chef Cody Poole, TMCC Food Service Director. Honored donors shared conversation with their student recipients after the award presentation.
About 397 students received Foundation scholarships for the 2015-2016 school year – awards that will assist with their tuition and books. Some of the recipients attended a special alternate Success First award event. In total, more than $393,000 in scholarships were granted, said Tara Hawkins, TMCC Foundation Scholarship and Endowment Manager.
A welcome message was offered by Gretchen Alt Sawyer, Executive Director of the TMCC Foundation. Remarks were presented by Dr. Maria Sheehan, President of TMCC, and Terri-Ann Parsons, a past scholarship recipient. Parsons talked about how much scholarships helped her pursue her college degree, and that she is very grateful for scholarships because attending school can be a financial challenge.
"Donors don't give because they have to give; they give and give generously out of a sincere desire to help others," Parsons said.
John Adlish, Faculty Senate Chair and Biology Professor, and Cheryl Cardoza, Faculty Senate Chair-Elect and English Professor called the name of each recipient. Bradley Woodring, Chairman of the TMCC Foundation Board of Directors, brought a gleam to the students’ faces when they crossed the stage. His choreographed handshake replaced the students’ shyness or nerves with broad smiles.
“I am very grateful for the scholarships that are so important in helping me with the supplies and books needed toward my fine arts degree,” said Colleen Dietlein, scholarship recipient. “Art supplies are very expensive, and next semester I’ll need a camera.”
Dietlein is mom to four children – a daughter 11 years of age, one son at TMCC High School, a son who is a sophomore at TMCC and a daughter who is a graduate of TMCC, now attending the University of Nevada, Reno. The hard-working family often studies together, and most of the time carpools. Four of six family members are on the TMCC campus at any one time studying, working or in class. Dietlein and her older daughter both work and attend classes at the College.
“What I’ve learned studying toward my degree has also helped me with developing my own artistic style,” she said. “I’m doing mixed-media and representational oil paintings, and would like to be a full-time studio artist.”
AT&T Inc. and Lewis Group of Companies sponsored the 6th Annual Legacy Scholarship Reception.
Students interested in applying for scholarships from the TMCC Foundation will apply online in the Spring Semester. For more information, please call 775-674-7648.