The year 1971 was an important one for Truckee Meadows Community College. It was in that year, then Governor Mike O’Callaghan started TMCC on its path to where it is today—a leader in forging the New Nevada.
For nearly 50 years, TMCC has served as a bridge to opportunity for students of all walks of life. From students pursuing a certificate or preparing to transfer to a university, to those just out of high school or making the transition back to college, thousands of graduates have reached their academic goals at TMCC. With 95 percent of graduates remaining in the Reno-Sparks region after graduation, TMCC alumni can be found throughout our community—as acquaintances, friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
In celebration of the College’s founding year, and looking forward to TMCC’s 50th anniversary in 2021, the TMCC Foundation is launching 1971 Society, a brand new leadership giving initiative.
TMCC’s 1971 Society is a special giving community united in support of TMCC students, faculty, programs and the College’s mission. By making an annual contribution to the TMCC Foundation of $500 or more, 1971 Society members profoundly impact the Foundation’s ability to support the College’s four themes of student success, academic excellence, access to lifelong learning and stewardship of resources.
Annually, the TMCC Foundation fuels these four themes by serving as a conduit for private support from foundations, businesses and individuals who recognize the important role TMCC plays in creating a vibrant, dynamic community. In 2017, the TMCC Foundation raised $2.2 million in philanthropic support for programs including dental hygiene, health sciences, performing arts, technical sciences, logistics management, and veterans’ resources. In addition, the Foundation awarded 685 scholarships totaling over $726,000.
While contribution amounts can be precisely measured, the transformational impact of philanthropic support transcends dollar amounts. For many students, donor support provides security to help students focus on their academic success and can be a main factor in achieving a certificate or two-year degree. For our faculty and programs, donations make it possible to evolve with teaching and technology trends, fueling innovative learning opportunities that uniquely position our students for transfer to University or for employment in existing, new and emerging industries in our region.
The TMCC Foundation invites the community to become a member of 1971 Society, and join a special group of advocates for TMCC and our role in the community.
To learn more about 1971 Society and its impact on the capacity of the TMCC Foundation to support the College’s mission, please contact Stefanie Givens, Development Officer at 775-673-8262.