TMCC's VRC wins third place in Northern Nevada for the NV Energy Foundation's Power of Good Giveaway.
Contest Results Announced
March 23, 2018: The Veterans Resource Center won third place in Northern Nevada for the Power of Good Giveaway grant contest.
TMCC's faculty, staff and students congratulate the VRC and wish the College's veterans all the best, and much success in their academic careers.
We salute you!
Veterans Compete in Power of Good Giveaway Contest
Veterans at Truckee Meadows Community College are entering the NV Energy Foundation Power of Good Giveaway contest, aiming for a monetary prize they will use for textbooks and bus passes to benefit veterans in need.
TMCC’s Veterans Resource Center (VRC) applied to the NV Energy Foundation contest as a way to help student veterans with college costs that are typically not covered in their financial assistance. The Center’s mission is to assist student veterans in a successful transition from military service to academic career.
“Through this mission, the TMCC VRC is constantly identifying areas of need for our student veterans,” wrote Zachary Totans, Coordinator of the VRC.
TMCC’s VRC is asking for the thumbs up of those in the college community with their daily votes at the Power of Good Giveaway contest site. Votes are tallied for all participating organizations between March 12–15. Then, voters will cast their choice for one of the top ten remaining organizations at the contest site on March 16.
- First Round: Monday, March 12–Thursday, March 15
- Final Round: Friday, March 16 (top ten)
- Where: Vote at the Power of Good Giveaway contest portal
To vote, participants must be a Nevada resident, and each individual is allowed one vote per day during the five-day contest period.
“Two of the largest needs that are encountered on a daily basis are the increasing costs of books and supplies—as well the cost of transportation to get to and from school,” Totans wrote in the application. “We will use the funds of this great initiative to grant book stipends and bus passes to our student veteran population in need.”
The TMCC Foundation Provides Assistance
To be eligible for the contest, the VRC applied to participate with the help of TMCC Proposal Development Specialist Laura Vargas. Marketing and Communications staff members are also assisting with social media awareness.
“You can vote every day during the contest period,” Vargas said. “We’ll have some competition from other veteran-based community organizations. It’s about getting the word out to friends. Anyone can vote, not just staff members and students at TMCC.”
Friends of TMCC students and staff, family and community members may vote.
“TMCC Veterans Upward Bound will help support the contest effort by spreading the word about voting, too,” Vargas added.
The prizes awarded in the NV Energy Foundation Power of Good Giveaway include the following:
- $10,000 first prize
- $3,000 second prize
- $2,000 third prize
There is $15,000 total prize money available in the northern half of the state, and $15,000 in southern Nevada, as well.
More About the Contest
NV Energy Foundation highlights giving priorities on its website, and one priority includes serving veterans and active military personnel.
“The NV Energy Charitable Foundation seeks to develop strategic partnerships with 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that have a demonstrated history of delivering innovative and effective programs for veterans and active members of the military in our service areas,” according to the NVEnergy website.
This is the second contest in the series, with the first taking place in July, focusing on nonprofits that provide vital services helping youth programs. NV Energy Foundation second contest in March focusses on nonprofit groups supporting veterans and those still in active military service.
For more information about the Power of Good Giveaway, please contact Zack Totans in the Veterans Resource Center at 775-337-5612, or Laura Vargas at 775-673-7206.