So, You Want to be a Teacher?

April 14, 2021
The Future Nevada Educators Summit, happening April 27, brings together educators across Nevada to offer you their real experiences in the classroom and step-by-step workshops that will take you to the front of the class.

Five Reasons to Register Now

April 13, 2021
Now is the perfect time to register for classes and start your new career or degree path. Thanks to certification programs and the co-requisite model, TMCC has streamlined your journey to success.

My Grad Story: Commitment

April 12, 2021
Kassie Chavez is a part of the first graduating cohort from TMCC’s Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene. She calls her journey to commencement “commitment.”

Seven Weeks to a CNA

April 8, 2021
Do you want a career that creates an impact on the lives around you, and you want it now? If so, the new seven-week CNA program is just for you.

TMCC Soccer: 2021 Season Preview

April 6, 2021
The 2021 Spring Soccer season welcomes 17 new student-athletes to the field for a condensed 10-game conference schedule against the Scenic West opponents starting on April 8.

April Good News

April 5, 2021
In this edition of the TMCC Good news, we celebrate a new program that will increase student access to resources, staff contributing to professional publications, our move to Stage 3 and more!

TMCC Voices: Julie Muhle

April 1, 2021
"As a healthcare professional, you’re more than the sum of your parts,” said Dental Assisting Program Director Julie Muhle. Read how this program is evolving to produce well-rounded graduates while building community.

Truckee Meadows Fire Protection Donates Engine

March 31, 2021
A generous engine donation from the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District will enable students in Fire Technology Programs to hone their skills fighting wildland and structural fires.

Architecture Student Receives Scholarship

March 30, 2021
Andrew Tangal received the inaugural Ric Licata Memorial Scholarship for his excellent work in Architecture. The legacy scholarship, endowed by the American Institute of Architecture, will be awarded to one student every year.

Foster Youth Succeed Thanks to Partnership

March 24, 2021
Through a partnership with the Northern Nevada Literacy Council, foster youth are accessing opportunities to pursue their education and workforce training.

Mighty Lizards Announce New Mascot for 2021 Spring Season

March 22, 2021
TMCC Athletics has a new member of their team: Mighty! This mascot represents the resiliency and dedication of TMCC student-athletes in their pursuit of excellence on and off the field.

Hear The Roar: Diesel Program Continues to Grow

March 18, 2021
The Diesel Program recently received a donation of a semi-truck from Navistar/Silverstate International in addition to making exciting new changes to the curriculum and classes.

Hybrid Paramedic Program Opens Opportunties

March 17, 2021
Advance your career as a Paramedic in this new program that enables you to learn from the job.

New Space and New Focus for Veterinary Nursing

March 16, 2021
Helping local rescue organizations while training students to be compassionate caregivers in Veterinary Nursing is a win-win.

March Good News

March 11, 2021
This month, TMCC celebrates its designation as a Voter-Friendly Campus, along with a new mission statement and more good news from our Nursing program.

The Awá and Anthropology: What the Amazon Can Teach Us

March 9, 2021
TMCC’s Distinguished Speakers Series has been opening doors to new experiences and ideas for over twenty years. This year’s virtual event takes us to the Awá people in the Amazon.

Campus Victim Advocate Supports Students

March 5, 2021
If you’ve experienced interpersonal violence, you don’t have to work through the recovery process alone; TMCC’s Campus Victim Advocate is available to support you.

Find Out What Employers Really Want

March 3, 2021
The Career Hub has organized a series of virtual meet-ups where you can learn about the jobs you want directly from recruiters.

Fourteen Years of Giving Kids a Smile

March 1, 2021
This annual event once again provided services to those in need, continuing the long legacy of giving back.

TMCC Voices: Emily King

February 25, 2021
In this edition of TMCC Voices, we caught up with English Instructor Emily King to learn how English 100 is paving the way for student success.