TMCC Faculty Attend EMS Day on the Hill in Washington, D.C.

April 5, 2023
TMCC EMS faculty had the incredible opportunity to sit down with members of Congress, Senate, and their staff members to champion the essential role of EMS in our communities!

ArtFest: An Explosion of Creativity

April 5, 2023
Join us for ArtFest, a two week celebration of creative expressiveness and collaboration between TMCC students, faculty, and staff! You won't want to miss it.

March Good News

March 29, 2023
So much Good News to share: Students and faculty winning awards, art on display in the community, our generous employee spirit, and accreditation has been accomplished!

Career Hub: The Portal to Professionalism

March 24, 2023
The Career Hub's experts want to help you improve your skills as a professional. Discover how they can shape you into an ace interviewee, assist in building up your resume, and find employment that excites you!

Business FastTrack: Racing to Graduation

March 21, 2023
Business FastTrack is here! Whether you choose the one or two-year pathway, be ready for a five-week gamechanger that's completely online, supports a nice work-life balance, and offers a full-time college experience.

Day at the Legislature: Firsthand Representation

March 16, 2023
What a day! Let us take you through an unforgettable gathering of students, faculty and staff at the Nevada State Legislature; showcasing the College's best features and gaining new allies for higher education.

Welcome to the Tutoring and Learning Center

March 14, 2023
We could all use someone to motivate us when it comes to our studies. Thankfully, the tutors at the Tutoring and Learning Center are here whenever you need them!

Financial Aid: Work-Study for Your Benefit

February 28, 2023
Fusing college involvement and job experience, the Financial Aid Office can not only help you find beneficial student work, but also prepare you for your future by providing you with superior economic assistance.

The Guerra Brothers: HVAC Alumni Keeping It Cool

February 23, 2023
In National CTE Month, we spotlight two brothers whose promise to each other led them to success. HVAC graduates, they are on a bright path.

February Good News

February 17, 2023
It's been an incredible start to 2023! Celebrating these stories reminds us of the good will we all share, and we like to pay attention to the things that bring us joy!

CTE Open House: Your Gateway to Success

February 9, 2023
With immersive booths, firsthand instruction, and an array of professions on display, the CTE Open House is sure to pique your curiosity about which career path could be the right one for you!

Information Technology: Unsung Heroes of Our Web

February 7, 2023
Get a peek behind the scenes at what these hidden stars do for the College! Information Technology experts' skills are highly sought after in a red-hot industry that continues to expand.

Student Government Association: Leaders of the Future

February 2, 2023
Do you have what it takes to become the voice of your fellow students? As the SGA election event begins, catch up on how easy it is to apply to be one of the College's next talented officers.

Diesel and Sustainability: Emitting Change for the Better

February 1, 2023
We've got more astounding Year of Sustainability news to share with you! This time, it's none other than our very own Diesel Program making a positive difference in and out of the classroom.

New Art Exhibits for Spring

January 18, 2023
They're back! Four TMCC art galleries are exhibiting new pieces this month. Stop by and admire the inspiration that our community has brought to life.

TMCC Foundation Scholarship: Have You Applied?

January 13, 2023
Applying for the Foundation Scholarship is a fantastic way to reward yourself for all of the hard work you've been doing this year! Discover the difference a simple application can make in your life.

Blaze Your Own Trail at TMCC Through Firsthand Learning

January 12, 2023
A little hands-on, specialized training can go a long way towards a fulfilling career. Get to know two classes for Spring: the Basic Wildland Fire Academy, and EDU 208 (Students with Diverse Abilities and Backgrounds).

Year of Sustainability: Impacting Our Community

December 28, 2022
TMCC's Year of Sustainability pushes onwards, invigorating our hearts, minds, and community with wholesome, sustainable practices. Be it in our classrooms or in our lives, we've got a whole lot to share with you!

December Good News: Part 2

December 21, 2022
Grab a blanket, some hot chocolate, and get toasty by the fireplace. We've got more Good News to share with you!

December Good News: Part 1

December 20, 2022
It's the holiday season, so let's fill our hearts and minds full of gratitude! There's plenty of Good News to be shared around campus, making spirits brighter in our community.