Bringing the World to Reno

December 12, 2022
The Distinguished Speaker Series is officially renamed in honor of its founder, Dianne Dodd Cheseldine, who shared stories of past speakers over the years at an event on Dec. 7.

Sleigh It Ain't So! Are You Registered for Classes Yet?

November 28, 2022
It's time to register for your classes! Enrolling early has all sorts of benefits. There's "snow" doubt about that! Some new academic opportunities are available as well. Our gift from us to you!

Community Invited to Visit New Artwork by TMCC Students and Local Artists

November 17, 2022
Four TMCC art galleries are exhibiting new pieces this month! There's no shortage of creativity flowing through our community.

TMCC Voices: Nick Corona

November 17, 2022
When he's not putting out fires, Fire Academy Commander Nick Corona spends his time with students striving to become the next generation of firefighters.

Discovering Learning Through Play

November 10, 2022
Students enrolled in an Early Childhood Education class had fun at the Discovery Museum while learning how to provide the best education and care to young children.

Veterans Upward Bound: Success for Every Branch

November 8, 2022
With Veterans Day approaching, explore how the renewed Veterans Upward Bound program helps veterans post-military. Find ways to show your gratitude for their service!

November Good News

November 4, 2022
The Mighty Lizards give it their all, while students are recognized for their writing in "The Meadow", plus an exciting update from a new partnership with Panasonic.

Creating Space to Learn in the Theatre

November 3, 2022
Students and faculty are gearing up for this semester’s theatre production-Abraham Lincoln's Big Gay Dance Party-and new instructor Shea King is making it possible.

Giving Tuesday: Global Generosity

November 2, 2022
Giving Tuesday is right around the corner, and there's no better time to warm a full heart than by making charitable donations to the students who give our campus life! Every act of generosity counts.

October Good News: Part 2

October 27, 2022
Round up of all the exciting events from the last month, including awards, appointments, and celebrations!

Alumnus Forges Own Path to Early College Success

October 20, 2022
Reed High School Student Caden Kuster took advantage of TMCC’s Jump Start program to work ahead and earn an associate degree.

Get Extra Help Launching Your Career with the Project SANDI Grant

October 18, 2022
The Project SANDI Initiative is helping new and current students get training and certification to enter the workforce by paying for course and lab fees.

Collecting Creative Inspiration from Nevada’s Natural Beauty

October 14, 2022
English Professor Mark Maynard developed his writing during two artist-in-residency programs across Nevada.

Generous Donations Advance Student Success

October 13, 2022
The 11th Annual Legacy Scholarship Dinner brought together scholarship donors and recipients to celebrate continued student success.

Commemorating the Culture of Native American Students

October 6, 2022
Native American Student Advocate Delina Trottier is supporting Indigenous students while educating the College community.

Students and Local Artists Display New Artwork at TMCC

October 5, 2022
Three TMCC art galleries are exhibiting new pieces this month.

October Good News: Part 1

October 4, 2022
While you were getting settled into your classes, TMCC hosted visits, recognized talent, and celebrated achievements!

Geology Classes Climb to the Top With the Help of New Instructor

September 29, 2022
Physical Sciences Instructor Roger Putnam is bringing his knowledge of the Sierras to TMCC students.

It’s Never Too Late to Learn

September 23, 2022
TMCC offers a variety of late start classes to ensure no matter how late you start, you won’t fall behind.

Integrating Art with the Student Experience

September 20, 2022
New sculpture and free student admission program will make art accessible for all TMCC and UNR students.