September Good News

September 19, 2022
Celebrating the people that make TMCC an amazing place to be.

Creating Accessible, Sustainable Communities

September 13, 2022
FREE is celebrating the Year of Sustainability with Juliana Urtubey, 2021 National Teacher of the Year, on Thursday, Oct. 6.

Fund College with the Help of Financial Aid

September 7, 2022
The annual Fastober event is gearing up to help students fill out the FAFSA and Nevada Promise Scholarship application.

TMCC Continues to Cultivate Support During the Summer

August 29, 2022
While school may have been out for summer, the College was still busy offering services and programs to the students, faculty, and community members who contribute to TMCC’s success.

New Year, New Possibilities

August 29, 2022
Feels good to be back! Come get acquainted with your Student Government Association this year. Your SGA consistently endorses TMCC's most valuable asset: its students. A new year aims to bring plenty of fresh ideas to the table.

TMCC to Support Panasonic at New Training Facility for Maintenance Experts

August 25, 2022
Maintenance technicians are essential. With Panasonic Energy North America and state funding, TMCC has established a training facility to develop skilled workers for Northern Nevada.

Year of Sustainability: Healing Our World

August 19, 2022
Earth is our home, and we need to take better care of it. TMCC is highlighting 2022–2023 as its Year of Sustainability, an endeavor with wholesome outcomes, determined initiatives, and a great deal of companionship.

August Good News

August 15, 2022
The TMCC community caps off an incredible summer to uplift you with stories of success! As the blank canvas of a new semester stretches out in front us, here are a few of the works of art that came before it.

William N. Pennington Health Science Center Expansion: Nurses at the Forefront

August 10, 2022
The Health Science Center is getting an expansion and increasing the number of students who can enroll! A huge boon to the nursing shortage our state faces, discussed in-depth at the Northern Nevada Nursing Summit held last month.

Structured for Success: Bachelor of Architecture

July 18, 2022
Introducing the Bachelor of Architecture, a comprehensive, unique new degree program and the first of its kind based out of a community college!

International Services Receives Federal Government's Highest Honor in Export Excellence

July 14, 2022
U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo presents TMCC with the "E Star" award, the federal government's highest honor for continuing recognition of noteworthy export promotion efforts.

Alumni Spotlight: David Wise

July 12, 2022
Professional skier and TMCC Alumnus David Wise shares tips from his career and remembers his college days fondly.

July Good News

July 11, 2022
This edition of TMCC Good News celebrates impressive achievements, including first prize in Nevada's NASA Poster Competition and a prestigious lifetime award, showcasing summer excellence!

Unlock Your Future: Career and Technical Education Leadership

June 29, 2022
This latest bachelor degree program will provide you with the professional credibility you need to open the door to your future!

Not Just Ones and Zeros: Data Science

June 22, 2022
Get to know the newest addition to TMCC's extensive list of associate degrees!

Safety Center Celebrates 35 Years

June 14, 2022
This longtime TMCC department offers safety training to companies and government agencies around the country, and has trained over 60,000 participants to date.

Write On: English Revises GE Classes with a Focus on Fun

June 9, 2022
Earn your GE credits while learning fun, esoteric information from these three re-vamped English classes!

TMCC Celebrates Faculty and Staff

June 1, 2022
For the first time in three years, TMCC honored the dedication and hard work of its faculty and staff at an in-person ceremony held at the Dandini Campus.

Logistics Conference Supports Student Scholarships

May 24, 2022
The annual Logistics Conference was hosted at the TMCC Dandini Campus for the first time. The event, which welcomes industry partners, students and academics, raises money for student scholarships.

2022 Commencement Hosts Over 500 Graduates

May 20, 2022
On Friday, May 20 TMCC's Student Center on the Dandini Campus was filled with graduates, their families and friends who were ready to celebrate the Class of 2022.