TMCC Celebrates Chemistry Lab Renovations

February 7, 2022
Renovations to the TMCC Chemistry Labs reveal new updated spaces that can accommodate the increased demand for allied health and STEM majors.

CTE Could Be the Key

February 2, 2022
Learn about the many training opportunities in TMCC’s CTE programs in this one-day event that is free and open to everybody!

In February, It's All About Financial Aid

January 31, 2022
Did you know February is Financial Aid Awareness Month? Join our experts for a series of live events to learn about all the scholarship, grant, and work-study opportunities around!

Students Participate in Bobcat Research

January 27, 2022
Learn more about this exciting research project on an elusive predator species, and how you, as a TMCC student, can get hands-on experience!

Liberal Arts Welcomes New Dean

January 26, 2022
The TMCC Division of Liberal Arts welcomes Natalie Russell as its new Dean!

Make a Difference in the SGA

January 25, 2022
Getting involved with the TMCC Student Government Association can help you become connected…and to find meaningful ways to give back to our community.

Target Your Goals with the Career Hub

January 21, 2022
Learn how to effectively search and interview for your next career…while advocating for your educational and career goals.

January Good News

January 20, 2022
This month, we’re celebrating the first cohort of Emergency Medical Responders at Hug High, the Learning Commons, and a donation made in TMCC’s name.

TMCC Voices: Pat Durham-Taylor

January 18, 2022
This nursing faculty is also a long-time professional in her field who has helped students to succeed for over 37 years.

Make a Difference, Be a Mentor

January 12, 2022
Be the change you want to see in the world–and in Northern Nevada–by becoming a mentor for a Nevada Promise Scholar.

EMT Apprenticeship Offers Experience and Education

January 11, 2022
If you’re dreaming of a career in the medical field, consider this unique apprenticeship opportunity as an Emergency Trauma Tech that gets you into the TMCC EMT program!

Find your Future in the Wildland Fire Training Program

December 22, 2021
The two-day training that begins on Jan. 27 can be the gateway to a hands-on, fast-paced career.

December Good News: Part 2

December 20, 2021
This edition of TMCC Good News celebrates a high school student's math textbook publication and the Marketing team's awards from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations!

What's in an Enzyme? Undergraduate Research in Bio 190L

December 16, 2021
Thanks to a collaboration with UC Davis and INBRE funding, students in Dr. Rumjahn’s Biology 190L class conducted hands-on research on mutant DNA and proteins.

December Good News: Part 1

December 13, 2021
TMCC's Business and Entrepreneurship Club gives back to students, and the SGA teamed up with Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful for the first road clean-up event of Dandini Boulevard.

Allied Health Students Team up in Interprofessional Event

December 10, 2021
Students in the Dental Hygiene, Dietary Technician and Nursing Programs teamed up to explore—and practice—patient-centered care.

Holiversary Celebrates the Holidays and History...In Style

December 6, 2021
This year’s holiday celebration also served as TMCC’s 50th Anniversary party!

Student-Athletes Honored for 2021 Season Excellence

December 3, 2021
Members of the men's and women's soccer squads receive awards for excellence in play following the 2021 Fall Soccer season.

Students Show Art in the Community

December 3, 2021
Art students Chris Thigpen and Tiana Keeler are among several students who are exhibiting their art in various venues around Reno.

Alumni Spotlight: Linda Lovie

December 1, 2021
This TMCC alumna started her educational journey at TMCC on the Stead Air Force Base where she took classes for personal and professional enrichment.