TMCC Alerts for Closures and Emergencies

Communication Procedures

In the event of adverse weather or another emergency that affects College operations, the College will communicate to employees and students via email, social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter), local news media, the College website, the main phone line (775-673-7111), and text messaging.

To be sure you get the message promptly, we encourage you to check more than one of these methods.

Emergency Alerts: Text, Voice and Email Messages

TMCC uses Omnilert to communicate with all campus community members in case of an extreme emergency requiring immediate notification. These notices will be used for both weather alerts or regular campus closures. Students and faculty are automatically added to the system for notification; other community members may also opt-in. 

Get more information about TMCC's Emergency Alert System.


Employees will be contacted using the TMCC All Mailboxes group list. Students will be contacted at their College email address.

Social Media

Visit Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to follow the College.

News Media

Local news media will carry TMCC information on their website or broadcasts.


The College will post a prominent message on the homepage.


Call 775-673-7111 for recorded messages.

See Also: Emergency and Personal Safety Information