Mighty Lizards Athlete Profile: Samantha Lampe

October 1, 2019
TMCC’s Mighty Lizard Samantha Lampe talks about her unique journey to Reno’s newest soccer pitch, and how soccer is helping her to reach her academic goals.

TMCC Faculty Complete ACUE Training

September 30, 2019
All TMCC faculty completed the ACUE Course, mastering evidence-based classroom practices. This achievement places TMCC's first ACUE cohort well above the national average.

Performing Arts Partners with Reno Little Theater

September 26, 2019
Through a partnership with Reno Little Theater, TMCC students appear in Harvey, which debuts on Oct. 4.

Late Start Classes Keep You on Track

September 25, 2019
Are you graduating in 2020 and think you need another class? Late Start classes begin in October and can help you stay on track with your academic goals.

Reno Lit Crawl Features TMCC Faculty

September 24, 2019
English Professors Mark Maynard and Lindsay Wilson participated in the Reno Lit Crawl—a local literary event that is quickly gaining national recognition.

Don't Let Fastober Pass You By

September 23, 2019
Don’t let the FAFSA application pass you by; participate in TMCC’s FASTOBER event and get that FASFA application done ASAP!

Career Hub Relocates to the Meadowood Center

September 20, 2019
Let the TMCC Career Hub come to you! With solutions to all your career and employment-related questions, the newly relocated Career Hub is ready to meet you where you are.

Getting to Know Institutional Research

September 19, 2019
If you want to know more about TMCC’s campus community, look no further than IR.

Re-Entry Center Helps Parolees

September 18, 2019
TMCC’s Re-Entry Center is providing vital supports for parolees looking to make positive changes in their lives through education.

TMCC Voices: Bradley Summerhill

September 17, 2019
In the latest edition of TMCC Voices, TMCC English Professor discusses the importance of writing, harmony, and innovation… and how these can coalesce in a Liberal Arts education.

September Good News

September 11, 2019
It’s time for some good news at TMCC, and this September our bookstore, Adult Basic Education program and Radiologic Technologist graduates have some amazing good news to share.

TMCC Student Completes NIH Internship

September 10, 2019
TMCC Student Heather Dorsey-Hirt completed an internship with the National Institute of Health. Learn more about this exciting opportunity for students interested in the sciences.

SNAPET Program Helps Students Reach Goals

September 9, 2019
The SNAPET Program can provide extra financial assistance for students in work-study who qualify for this new program.

Rich and Marion Leonhard Donate Equipment to Machining Program

September 6, 2019
Rich and Marion Leonhard donated two milling machines to TMCC's Machining Program, enhancing skills-based training for students entering the machine tool industry.

Annual Faculty Art Show Celebrates Creativity

September 6, 2019
The Annual Faculty Art Show showcases the art of TMCC Faculty across disciplines and divisions, celebrating the creativity of our campus community.

Learn More About the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program

September 5, 2019
If travel, adventure and vacation sound like your scene, the TMCC Hospitality and Tourism Management program can provide you with skills to land a career promoting - and doing - exactly that.

TMCC Voices: Haley Orthel Clark

August 29, 2019
Psychology Professor Haley Orthel Clark on how objective study can unlock subjective human experiences.

Getting Here: Transportation Updates at TMCC

August 27, 2019
Now you can cut down your travel time to TMCC (and save a few pennies) thanks to renovations to our parking lots, an RTC Ed-Pass and a new TMCC Shuttle.

Jump Start Sets the Stage for Success

August 26, 2019
The TMCC Theater program has started some exciting collaborations with community partners, including Reno High School through a new Jump Start program.

TMCC Automotive Students Complete Exchange in Peru

August 23, 2019
This summer, five TMCC automotive students and one instructor completed a three-week cultural exchange at the SENATI Institute in Lima, Peru.