Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the oldest, largest and most prestigious honor society serving two-year colleges worldwide, with more than 3.5 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters in nine nations. The Privileges of Membership are Unmatched.
The American Association of Community Colleges has named Phi Theta Kappa the official honor society for two-year colleges. We are the only such honor society with this distinction.
Membership requires a 3.4 GPA after completing 12 credits. Provisional membership is available for students who have shown an active interest in the affairs of the society but do not meet the full requirements for active membership.
We have no recurring fees or annual dues; simply pay the one-time membership fee, and you can access your PTK benefits for life.
The mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize the academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders.
The mission of our chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Pi Gamma, a five-star chapter at Truckee Meadows Community College, is to practice leadership by way of service, academic excellence (scholarship), professional development, and fellowship.