TMCC Policy Manual: Personnel

Policies 2000-2999: Personnel

Policy 2003: Disclosure of Improper Governmental Action

NRS 281.661 requires the Director of the Department of Personnel to provide each State officer and employee, on an annual basis, a summary of the statutes pertaining to disclosure of improper governmental action (NRS 281.611 through 281.671).

These statutes prohibit any State officer or employee from using his or her official authority or influence to prevent disclosure of improper governmental action by another State officer or employee.

"Improper governmental action" is defined in NRS 281.611 as "...any action taken by a state officer or employee or local governmental officer or employee in the performance of his official duties, whether or not the action is within the scope of his employment, which is:

a) In violation of any state law or regulation;
b) If the officer or employee is a local governmental officer or employee, in violation of an ordinance of the local government;
c) An abuse of authority;
d) Of substantial and specific danger to the public health or safety; or
e) A gross waste of public money."

Responsible Office(s): Nevada Dept. of Personnel | TMCC Human Resources

Procedure: Procedures are located under NRS 281.611-281.671

Updated: June 21, 2011

Employee Benefits

Policy 2161: Reporting of Injuries

TMCC follows the NSHE Workers Compensation Policies and Procedures.

Responsible Office(s): BCN Risk Management Office | Human Resources

Procedure: Procedures are located in the NSHE Workers Compensation Policies and Procedures.

Updated: February 2, 2011

Policy 2162: Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

The Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970 prescribes certain regulations regarding the reporting and recording of industrial accidents and occupational illnesses. The purpose of the act is to ensure employers provide a safe and healthful place to work.

Responsible Office(s): Environmental Health and Safety Office

Procedure: It is imperative that all injuries be reported to the College’s Environmental, Health, and Safety Office. If employed by the College, the employee must also notify his or her immediate supervisor. In both cases, notification shall be made as soon as practical following the injury.

The College shall report to NVOSHA all workplace accidents involving an employee fatality or fatalities within 8 hours after learning of the accident. The College shall report to NVOSHA all inpatient hospitalizations of one or more employees, amputations of a part of an employee’s body, or an employee’s loss of an eye within 24 hours after learning of the hospitalization, amputation or loss of an eye.

In the event of an unannounced and/or unscheduled inspection by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, TMCC employees shall notify the Environmental, Health, and Safety Office as soon as possible.

The TMCC Environmental, Health, and Safety Office is responsible for coordinating occupational safety and health programs, monitoring compliance with OSHA standards, and coordinating on-site OSHA compliance inspections.

Updated: January 9, 2020

Policy 2180: Remote Work

TMCC recognizes the changing nature of the work environment and establishes the Remote Work Policy to provide a framework that addresses both institutional and individual employee needs. This policy reflects, supports and complies with the NSHE Board of Regents Handbook Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 51 - Limitations on Remote Work or Telecommuting Policies.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources

Procedure: Procedures may be found on the Human Resources website.

Updated: September 20, 2021

Classified Personnel

Policy 2200: Policies for Classified Employees - General Information

All classified employees are State of Nevada employees and the policies governing classified personnel are found in Chapter 284 of the Nevada Revised Statutes and the Nevada Administrative Code. Personnel transactions and policies for classified employees are administered in accordance with the State of Nevada Rules for Personnel Administration.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources | BCN Human Resources

Procedure: Procedures are located on the State of Nevada Dept. of Personnel website.

Updated: August 1, 2013

Academic and Administrative Personnel

Policy 2500: Policies for Faculty Employees - General Information

Personnel policies for professional staff (both administrative and academic) of the Nevada System of Higher Education are contained in the NSHE Board of Regents Code, TMCC Bylaws, TMCC NFA Contract and federal and state laws.

Responsible Office(s): NSHE | Human Resources

Procedure: Procedures may be found under the NSHE Code or the TMCC NFA Contract.

Updated: August 1, 2013

Policy 2503: Nepotism Policy

Except for relationships allowed pursuant to NRS 281.210 and the NAC 284.375 and 284.377, no employing authority of the NSHE may appoint a person to an employment position if, upon appointment, the person will be the immediate supervisor or will be in the direct line of authority of any relative of a NSHE employee within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity.

Responsible Office(s): Equity, Inclusion and Sustainability Office | Human Resources | NSHE | BCN Human Resources

Procedure: Procedures may be found under NSHE Title 4, Chapter 3, NRS 281.210 and the NAC 284.375

Updated: August 1, 2013

Policy 2508: Tenure for College Faculty 

Most, but not all, full-time academic faculty positions are tenurable. Exceptions for eligibility are detailed in the NSHE Code, Chapter 4. Conferral of tenure shall be made in strict conformance with the provisions of NSHE Code, Chapter 4. Academic faculty holding a Range-0 contract shall not be eligible for tenure under any circumstances.

Responsible Office(s): Student Services | VPAA

Procedure: The procedures are in the TMCC Bylaws.

Updated: October 15, 2013

Policy 2520: Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action 

It is the policy of TMCC to follow EEOC laws and NRS 613 to provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified applicants in employment, hiring, training, recruitment, development, promotion, salaries, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment for all persons without regard to sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression. This policy is consistent with federal and state laws, regulations and executive orders.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources

Procedure: Procedures may be found at NRS Chapter 613.

Updated: March 19, 2014

Policy 2521: Sexual Harassment 

It is the policy of Truckee Meadows Community College that the sexual harassment of students, employees, and users of College facilities is unacceptable and prohibited. This stance is consistent with the College’s efforts to maintain equal employment opportunity, equal educational opportunity, nondiscrimination in programs, services, and use of facilities, and the Affirmative Action program.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources | BCN

Procedure: Procedures are available through the Human Resources website and NSHE Board of Regents Handbook (Title 4, Chapter 8, Section 14)

Updated: June 21, 2011

Policy 2522: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 

The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, State and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and telecommunications.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources

Procedure: For accommodations please contact TMCC’s Human Resource Office.

Updated: February 2, 2011

Policy 2523: Consensual Relationship

TMCC's sexual harassment policy prohibits romantic or sexual relationships in circumstances in which one of the individuals is in a position of direct professional power over the other.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources | NSHE

Procedure: Procedures are available through the Equity, Inclusion and Sustainability Office and NSHE Board of Regents Handbook (Title 4, Chapter 8, Section 14)

Updated: August 1, 2013

Policy 2524: AIDS

NSHE has established guidelines to address the personal, administrative, medical and legal problems associated with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The primary response of TMCC to AIDS is to increase awareness and education—for students, employees, faculty and others. Individuals will not be required to undergo screening for AIDS as a condition of enrollment, employment or financial services.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources | NSHE

Procedure: Procedures may be found under NSHE Title 4, Chapter 1

Updated: August 1, 2013

Policy 2525: Stance Against Workplace Bullying

It is the policy of Truckee Meadows Community College to maintain a work environment that a reasonable person would consider free from bullying, as described by the provisions, definitions, and procedures of this policy. This stance is consistent with the College’s efforts to maintain equal employment opportunity, equal educational opportunity, and nondiscrimination in programs, services, and use of facilities. It is the responsibility of all Covered Persons to know and apply the provisions of this policy.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources

Procedure: Provisions, definitions, and procedures may be found on the Human Resources website.

Updated: April 26, 2021

Policy 2530: Incentive for Early Retirement Commitment

Full-time TMCC academic and administrative faculty are eligible to receive an incentive payment for early notification of their pending retirement date to facilitate budget and personnel planning.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources

Procedure: Procedures may be found on the Human Resources website.

Updated: December 10, 2019

Policy 2531: Cybersecurity Training

It is the policy of TMCC that all employees, full and part-time, including student workers, instructional faculty, administrative faculty, and classified staff will undergo mandatory training in Cybersecurity. After initial training, all employees will be required to undergo a Cybersecurity training refresher course annually.

NSHE has contracted with Vector Solutions to provide online cybersecurity training for its employees. Every employee will receive an emailed invitation from Human Resources with a link to complete this training. Employees will receive their initial invitation within the first month of their employment.  For annual refresher training, TMCC has selected KnowBe4. Employees will be notified by email from KnowBe4 when training is assigned. Annual refresher training is managed by the IT department.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources | Information Technology

Procedure: Procedures may be found on the Professional Development website.

Updated: September 8, 2023

Policy 2532: Equity Salary Adjustment Plan

It is the policy of Truckee Meadows Community College to conduct a biannual equity review of the salaries of academic and administrative faculty to determine whether a faculty member's salary is appropriate as compared to the salaries of other faculty at the institution based upon years of experience, educational attainment, and other relevant factors.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources

Procedure: Procedures are available through the Human Resources Office.

Updated: June 5, 2024

Policy 2533: Internal Cost of Living Salary Enhancement

TMCC will implement a system of internal salary enhancement wherein all administrative and academic faculty who achieve a Satisfactory rating on the annual evaluation shall receive a one (1) percent salary adjustment added to the faculty member’s base salary under conditions described below. Faculty who receive Unsatisfactory in their annual review are not eligible for an internal salary enhancement in the given fiscal year. Salary adjustments begin on July 1 of the fiscal year following the academic year in which the annual review takes place. The TMCC internal salary enhancement policy will operate in conjunction with the TMCC merit policy as outlined in the TMCC Bylaws, Section J. Merit Awards. The policy described herein is not intended to replace or displace the TMCC merit policy.

The intent of this policy is that faculty will receive either external cost of living adjustments (state funded and Board approved) or internal (college funded) salary enhancement on an annual basis. This internally funded salary enhancement policy will be implemented in years when COLA is not forthcoming from the state and/or not approved by the Board of Regents and one or both of the following conditions apply:

1. Year to year, registration fee revenues grow or remain flat (measured at a specific calendar date).
2. Year to year, total state year-end revenue actuals, as reported in the Combined Statement of Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position (NSHE), do not drop more than one (1) percent.

Fiscal year 2024-25 will constitute the initial baseline for measurement of these conditions. This policy becomes effective July 1, 2025 with initial possible implementation of the policy (dependent upon the two factors listed above) on July 1, 2026.

Responsible Office(s): Human Resources

Procedure:  Procedures are available through the Human Resources Office.

Updated: June 5, 2024