Disbursement of the Millennium Scholarship
If you have received your information from the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Office regarding your eligibility, congratulations! We are pleased that you have chosen to attend Truckee Meadows Community College. As you know, the Millennium Scholarship will help you pay for expenses while attending TMCC, as detailed in the Acknowledgment of Award that the Millennium Scholarship Office provided. If you have not received an acknowledgment of award, you may contact the Millennium Scholarship Office directly at 1-702-486-3383.
The TMCC Financial Aid office will be responsible for the disbursement of funds to your student account. Should you have any questions regarding your scholarship award, please contact us.
TMCC will generally apply Millennium Scholarship funds to your student account in mid July for the fall semester and mid January for the spring semester, provided you are enrolled. If no payment has been made by the fee payment deadline, then it is your responsibility to make a payment to ensure your registration is not canceled for non-payment. If you add or drop classes, adjustments to your Millennium award will be made automatically through the end of the 50% refund period. If you add a late-start class after that date and have not already received the maximum award for the semester, please contact us.
Remember that you are not limited to 9 credits at TMCC. Your Millennium Scholarship will fund $40 per credit for a minimum of 9 credits, up to a maximum of 15 credits per term (you will be responsible for the remaining charge per credit, plus any lab or additional fees that you incur). Remedial courses (those numbered under 100) and continuing education and workforce development classes may not be paid by your Millennium Scholarship funds.
Generally TMCC is able to automatically identify and award all currently-eligible Millennium students who are enrolled in the minimum 9 credits. However, at times there may be data matching issues. Students who do not have a Millennium award listed on their "Financial Aid Offer Letter" on MyTMCC prior to the first payment deadline of each semester should either make a payment on their student account by the deadline or contact us to rectify the situation.