A faculty/instructional web page is intended for personal classroom-related purposes only. It might include instructor information, teaching philosophies, syllabi, office hours, and links to online courses.
Google Sites Recommended
For ease of use, Web Services recommends using TMCC's Google Sites as the preferred method for creating and maintaining a faculty web page. To access TMCC's Google Sites, be sure to sign in with your TMCC email address.
TMCC also offers secure FTP (sFTP) access to web hosting accounts for faculty who prefer to develop a custom personal page.
If you have chosen to create a custom (non-Google Sites) faculty web page requiring FTP access, follow the steps below to set up and manage your web hosting account.
Secure FTP (sFTP) Access
The following information applies only to faculty members who are not using Google Sites for their faculty web pages.
Important: If you do not yet have a hosting account, please review TMCC’s website publishing procedures and request one before proceeding.
Using TMCC’s Web Client
Once your web hosting account is active, you can upload and manage your files using TMCC’s secure FTP thin client via a web browser.
Your login credentials for sFTP access:
- Username: Your existing TMCC network username with @faculty appended (e.g., jdoe@faculty)
- Password: Your existing TMCC network password
After logging in, you can easily upload and download files through the web interface.
If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please contact Web Services. Once your website is up and running, be sure to let us know, and we'll add your site the Faculty Web Page Directory which is linked from the TMCC homepage.