Curriculum Review Committee

Meeting Dates

Refer to the Faculty Senate Meeting Schedule.


  1. Support and advise faculty on all course, program, degree, and certificate submissions, including approval for diversity and general education.
  2. Establish criteria and review requirements for all courses, certificates, degrees, and programs, including approval for diversity and general education.
  3. Recommend changes to existing certificates, degrees, programs, and courses for approval.
  4. Recommend new certificates, degrees, programs, and courses for approval.
  5. Recommend certificates, degrees, programs, and courses for deletion.
  6. Review existing certificates, degrees, programs, and courses when directed.
  7. Communicate with the articulation officer(s) of the College and the offices of the Vice Presidents of Academic Affairs and Student Services in order to coordinate curricula.
  8. Review and make recommendations on other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, or the Faculty Senate Body.

See Also: Curriculum Procedures and Resources »

Committee Chair

Stephanie Mead

Committee Members

Tami Allred, Grecia Anaya-Arevalo, Dan Bouweraerts, Lisa Buehler, Gabriel Chavez, Jeremy Coggin, Tara Connolly, Ben Davis, Melissa Deadmond, Katie Evans, Brandon Goehring, Jeff Hutchinson, Leslie Jia, Shane Johnson, Ruth Koppelman, Shari Mathiesen, Molly Maynard, Michelle McCauley, Stephanie Mead, Jeffrey Metcalf, Staci Miller, Geoff Peck, Jennifer Pierce, Jason Pinto Maldonado, Roger Putnam, Shani Ramirez, Courtney Schachter, Jenny Taufa, Rozzitza Todorova

Submission and Meeting Dates

Curriculum submissions are due no later than 5 p.m. on the specified meeting submission due date. Meetings are held in SIER 103 from 9–11 a.m. unless otherwise noted. You are encouraged to attend the meeting if you have pending course and program submissions that are to be discussed at the meeting.

Initiate Workflow in CIM Deadline Submission for CRC Review Deadline CRC Meeting Date & Time Meeting Location
Aug. 16, 2024 Sept. 1, 2024  Sept. 6, 2024; 9–11 a.m. Online
Sept. 13, 2024* Sept. 30, 2024  Oct. 4, 2024; 9–11 a.m. Online
Oct.11, 2024** Oct. 28, 2024 Nov. 1, 2024; 9–11 a.m. Online
Nov. 15, 2024*** Dec. 2, 2024 Dec. 6, 2024; 9–11 a.m. Online
Jan. 10, 2025 Jan. 28, 2025 Jan. 31, 2025; 9–11 a.m. Online
Feb. 14, 2025 March 3, 2025 March 7, 2025; 9–11 a.m. Online
March 14, 2025 March 31, 2025 April 4, 2025; 9–11 a.m. Online
April 11, 2025  April 29, 2025 May. 2, 2025; 9–11 a.m. Online

*Last day to initiate new/substantive changes/deletions of Degrees and Certificates for the 2025–2026 catalog. Note: this deadline is required to meet the BOR submission deadline.
**Last day to initiate program revisions for the 2025–2026 catalog.

***Last day to initiate course revisions for the 2025-2026 catalog.

Meeting Minutes