Brand-New Certificates Increase Program Expansion

October 19, 2023
TMCC's new certificates in Geospatial Data Management, Wildlife Technician, and Sterile Processing aim to produce skilled professionals highly sought after in northern Nevada.

Career Coach: Discover Your Calling

October 17, 2023
The Career Coach is a brand-new, innovative resource that supports students unsure of their academic pursuits by analyzing their interests and mapping out a comprehensive assessment of career pathways perfect for them!

Career Hub Resume Night: Future Success Starts Here

October 12, 2023
Career Hub Resume Night helps students refine their resumes with professional guidance, showcasing their talents to future employers and securing financially stable jobs.

Legacy Scholarship Dinner: A Grateful Gathering

October 10, 2023
The Legacy Scholarship Award ceremony honors community donors, faculty, staff, and students excited to gain financial freedom to achieve their academic and career goals.

New Art Exhibits for Fall by Local Artists and the ART 209 Gallery Practices Class

October 10, 2023
TMCC's Art Galleries present new exhibits from Oct. 9 through Nov. 2. Don't miss this chance to appreciate professional creative talent in our community, including abandoned works curated by the ART 209 class from previous student art shows!

TMCC Receives Five-Year National Science Foundation Grant for Engineering

October 2, 2023
A National Science Foundation grant will enhance TMCC engineering students' college experience, ensuring a smooth university transfer with exceptional research opportunities.

September Good News

September 26, 2023
Celebrate our community's successes: students and faculty win art awards, the College earns a sustainability honor, and four TMCC instructors showcase expertise nationally!

EPA Recognizes TMCC With Green Power Leadership Award

September 19, 2023
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency honored TMCC with its Green Power Leadership Award for our remarkable clean energy initiatives and dedication to addressing climate change!

Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month: Honoring Cultural Fellowship

September 15, 2023
Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the historic Latinx people's contributions, highlighting their rich customs and traditions that unite us in honoring their inspiring stories.

Jump Start: Education That's Ahead of the Curve

September 8, 2023
TMCC's Jump Start Program offers high school students valuable experiences: earn dual credit, prep for college, and explore diverse programs to match your interests!

TMCC Natural History Museum: Admiring Biodiversity

September 1, 2023
The TMCC Natural History Museum is a treasure trove of specimens from northern Nevada, encouraging science-savvy students to discover their secrets and add exhibits to their archives!

August Good News

August 25, 2023
Welcome back, Lizards! This semester brings SGA's fun events, new rad tech equipment, career maps showcasing job opportunities, and beautiful campus renovations.

Veterans Resource Center: Saluting Student Service

August 23, 2023
The Veterans Resource Center proudly supports student veterans with "Lyft for Vets" and a renovation grant, creating a more inclusive, welcoming space for educational growth.

New Art Exhibits for Fall 2023

August 15, 2023
Captivating new artwork pieces will be in TMCC's galleries to usher in the Fall Semester with an imaginative and vibrant atmosphere.

Summer Bridge: Charitable College Preparation

August 14, 2023
TMCC's Summer Bridge program celebrated students' achievements, preparing them for college and proving higher education is the right choice. Learn how this initiative transforms lives!

Dispatch Academy: Your Gateway to a Rewarding Public Safety Career

August 4, 2023
Northern Nevada has an urgent need for more dispatchers to ensure our region's safety. Could this high-paying career be for you?

Mighty Lizards Look to Surpass Expectations in Their Fifth Season of Play

July 31, 2023
Your TMCC student-athletes are ready for a fresh season on the pitch! Check out the latest developments on the men's and women's soccer teams this summer, including what's ahead for our athletes.

Disability Resource Center: Lifting Educational Barriers

July 27, 2023
The Disability Resource Center is vital at TMCC, eliminating educational barriers so all students can earn degrees or certificates tailored to their needs.

CLS/Phlebotomy: A Uniquely Vital Profession

July 19, 2023
A clinical lab specialist career could be a stepping stone for you as a healthcare professional or a lasting position filled with rewarding work! Discover the opportunities available to you within the standout field of phlebotomy.

July Good News

July 14, 2023
High school equivalency graduates were honored, advising services recognized, dental assisting improved, and TMCC received a $1.5 million grant for its training programs.