October 15, 2013
Procedure for the Selection of Faculty for Temporary (One-Year) Hires in Tenure Track Positions
When a tenure-track position becomes vacant and there is insufficient time to fill the position with a search as defined in Article 7.1 and 7.2 of Article 7 of the NFA Contract, a temporary one-year hire may be made upon consultation with NFA and with the approval of the Dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President.
Except under unusual circumstances, the search for a hire for this one-year appointment shall be conducted with a minimum of thirty-day notice to the College community and will be released throughout the NSHE system and advertised in local or regional outlets, including part-time pools and regional graduate programs.
If the need for the search is not known until after July 1 for Fall Semester or November 15 for Spring Semester, a ten-day period of advertisement may occur if approved by the Dean.
Interview Process
The faculty screening committee will include a minimum of three faculty members from the department/division, two from the same discipline as the vacant position if possible and one of whom serves as Chair, and may include at least one outside member if relevant, selected by the Search Committee Chair in consultation with Human Resources. A travel stipend for candidates for a one-year position will be limited to $500 except in special circumstances and where additional funds are available.
The faculty screening committee will follow existing processes in place for tenure-track hires as outlined in the Hiring/Recruitment Manual with the exceptions discussed above regarding the advertisement, the travel budget limit and the committee composition. A representative from Human Resources and/or Equity and Diversity will provide training in EEO compliance and procedures for conducting a screening committee meeting and will be available as needed.
Such a one-year hire may be continued beyond one year only if necessary based on a budgetary or programmatic reason that precludes conducting a tenure-track hire. Any extension of the one-year hire must be justified in writing annually and approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the President in consultation with the NFA and program faculty.